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New 🔥

1. Light In Design

Experience all about light and how it sculptured our experience

2. Light of the Day

Journey through lighting designer’s head; the seed of their inspirations

3. Light with Lumina

Explore what is happening now inside the lighting design firm

4. Light People

Let’s meet the people of light; learn their thought about light

5. Light We Like

Find out lighting designer’s favorite tools and why they like it

6. Light Thought

Free talk about light, life, profession or industry of lighting


Light & Health
glass bowl with capsules and vaccine for coronavirus

Explore light not as means of seeing

Light & Future
Looking to the future

It is us who define lighting for the future

Light Travel

Light from around the world

Do & Don’t
sticky notes stuck on a monitor

Tip and tricks in daily lighting application


Ask anything about light .. and we’ll try to find the relevant answer based on our 20 years experience in lighting design practice. Selected question will be posted in our IG account (@luminapedia | @luminagroup | @matanavina) with the hashtag #LuminaAnswer.

About Us

Luminapedia adalah media elektronik independen yang menjadi wadah dari semua informasi berkaitan dengan lighting. Jelajahi dan temukan hal yang ingin anda ketahui berkaitan dengan:

  • Lighting design & profesi Lighting Designer
  • Perspektif pandangan dari para ahli
  • Interaksi lighting dan arsitektur / interior / landscape dalam dunia pembangunan
  • Individu dengan “passion in light
  • Lighting dalam dunia kesehatan, biologi, teknologi

Luminapedia mendapatkan editorial dari Lumina Group sebagai parent company yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam dunia lighting.

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